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== Information ==
== Information ==
As mentioned on the general page for Demersal fish, this group of species can be subdivided into 'large' and 'small'. Please find the full list of included species below. The impact of 
The Demersal fish in the North Sea Edition mainly prey on Sandeel and Herring, but also Mackerel, Flatfish, Cod and other Demersal Fish. When they are young their diet mainly consists of Benthic Invertebrates, however as they grow older, they become important prey for Seals, Cetaceans and Windfarm indifferent seabirds. Demersal fish avoid both Noise and Bottom Disturbance and are caught through Bottom Trawl fishing. Please find the full list of species included in the North Sea Edition below.  

In the North Sea Edition the following species are defined as small Demersal fish: Eelpout (''[ Zoarces viviparus]''), Shorthorn Sculpin (''[ Myoxocephalus scorpius]''), Vahls’s Eelpout (''[ Lycenchelys vaillanti]''), Longspined Bullhead (''[ Taurulus bubalis]''), Hooknose (''[ Himantolophus groenlandicus]''), Common Seasnail (''[ Liparis liparis]''), Greater Weaver (''[ Trachinus draco]''), Lesser Weaver (''[ Trachinus radiatus]''), Snake Blenny (''[ Lumpenus lampretaeformis]''), Striped Red Mullet (''[ Mullus surmuletus]''), Solenette (''[ Buglossidium luteum]''), Thickback Sole (''[ Microchirus variegatus]''), Mediterranean Scaldfish (''[ Arnoglossus imperialis]''), Argentine (''[ Argentina sphyraena]''), Dragonet (''[ Callionymus lyra]''), Piper Gurnard (''[ Trigla lyra]''), Red Gurnard (''[ Aspitrigla cuculus]''), Grey Gurnard (''[ Eutrigla gurnardus]'').
In the North Sea Edition the following species are defined as small Demersal fish: Eelpout (''[ Zoarces viviparus]''), Shorthorn Sculpin (''[ Myoxocephalus scorpius]''), Vahls’s Eelpout (''[ Lycenchelys vaillanti]''), Longspined Bullhead (''[ Taurulus bubalis]''), Hooknose (''[ Himantolophus groenlandicus]''), Common Seasnail (''[ Liparis liparis]''), Greater Weaver (''[ Trachinus draco]''), Lesser Weaver (''[ Trachinus radiatus]''), Snake Blenny (''[ Lumpenus lampretaeformis]''), Striped Red Mullet (''[ Mullus surmuletus]''), Solenette (''[ Buglossidium luteum]''), Thickback Sole (''[ Microchirus variegatus]''), Mediterranean Scaldfish (''[ Arnoglossus imperialis]''), Argentine (''[ Argentina sphyraena]''), Dragonet (''[ Callionymus lyra]''), Piper Gurnard (''[ Trigla lyra]''), Red Gurnard (''[ Aspitrigla cuculus]''), Grey Gurnard (''[ Eutrigla gurnardus]'').

Revision as of 14:57, 4 October 2023

Demersal fish
Layer Demersal fish.png
Layer Info
Category Ecology
Sub-category Fish


Demersal fish is a type of fish that is primarily inhabits the lower depths of a body of water, particularly the ocean floor. The term "demersal fish" does not refer to a specific species, but rather it describes a group or category of fish based on their shared habitat preference.

These fish are adapted to life near or on the seabed, and are commonly found in coastal areas, continental shelves, and deep-sea environments. These types of fish share features that make them well-suited for this habitat, such as flattened bodies, strong pectoral fins, and specialized feeding structures. This group of species can be subdivided into 'large' and 'small' demersal fish, and includes various types of flatfish, cod, flounder, skates, and many more. Demersal fish play a crucial role in marine ecosystems as they interact with other species in the benthic (bottom-dwelling) environment.


The Demersal fish in the North Sea Edition mainly prey on Sandeel and Herring, but also Mackerel, Flatfish, Cod and other Demersal Fish. When they are young their diet mainly consists of Benthic Invertebrates, however as they grow older, they become important prey for Seals, Cetaceans and Windfarm indifferent seabirds. Demersal fish avoid both Noise and Bottom Disturbance and are caught through Bottom Trawl fishing. Please find the full list of species included in the North Sea Edition below.

In the North Sea Edition the following species are defined as small Demersal fish: Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), Shorthorn Sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius), Vahls’s Eelpout (Lycenchelys vaillanti), Longspined Bullhead (Taurulus bubalis), Hooknose (Himantolophus groenlandicus), Common Seasnail (Liparis liparis), Greater Weaver (Trachinus draco), Lesser Weaver (Trachinus radiatus), Snake Blenny (Lumpenus lampretaeformis), Striped Red Mullet (Mullus surmuletus), Solenette (Buglossidium luteum), Thickback Sole (Microchirus variegatus), Mediterranean Scaldfish (Arnoglossus imperialis), Argentine (Argentina sphyraena), Dragonet (Callionymus lyra), Piper Gurnard (Trigla lyra), Red Gurnard (Aspitrigla cuculus), Grey Gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus).

The following species are included in the large Demersal fish group in the North Sea Edition: Rabbit Fish (Chimaera monstrosa), John Dory (Zeus faber), Sea Trout (Salmo trutta), Norway Red Fish (Sebastes norvegicus), Bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), Roundnose Grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris), Starry Ray (Raja radiata), Spotted Ray (Raja montagui), Common Skate (Dipturus batis), Cuckoo Ray (Leucoraja naevus), Thornback Ray (Raja clavata).


  • Very Low Density
  • Low Density
  • Medium Density
  • High Density
  • Very High Density


Data Source

Demersal fish is a month-by-month, computer generated data layer following calculations made by the ecosystem simulation (EwE). For more information on how Ecopath-with-Ecosim (EwE) works, please visit our Wiki page or visit the official EwE website at

For detailed information on how the simulation works for the North Sea Edition, we recommend further exploring our research publication called "Combining ecosystem modeling with serious gaming in support of transboundary maritime spatial planning".

Not applicable. This layer is currently not integrated into the MSP Challenge Baltic Sea Edition.

Not applicable. This layer is currently not integrated into the MSP Challenge Clyde Marine Region Edition.

Not applicable. This layer is currently not integrated into the MSP Challenge Adriatic Sea Edition.

Not applicable. This layer is currently not integrated into the MSP Challenge Eastern Mediterranean Sea Edition.

This page was last edited on 4 October 2023, at 14:57. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.