On this page, you can find and access information over the data layers in the MSP Challenge Simulation Platform organized by themes.

On this page you can find and access information about data layers related with governance, including exclusve economic zones, territorial water and military areas.


Territorial Waters


Military Areas

ICES Rectangles

On this page you can find and access information about data layers related with envrionmental conditions, including bathymetry, sediments and average wind speed.


Currents Speed

Eutrophication Status

Ice Coverage


Sea Bottom Temperature


Water Quality

Wave Density

Wave Height

Wind Density

Wind Intensity - 25 m

Wind Intensity - 50 m

Wind Intensity - 75 m

Wind Intensity - 100 m

Wind Speed

This theme/sub-category only exists in the North Sea edition and may shortly be removed.

Fossil Fuel Availability

Sand & Gravel Availability

On this page you can find and access information about data layers related with energy production and distribution, including renewable energy sources, cables and pipelines.

Oil & Gas Installations

Oil & Gas Licensed Areas

Oil (& Gas) Stations

Wind Farms

Tidal Farms

Wave Farms

Wind Farms - Areas of Search

Tidal Farms - Areas of Search

Wave Farms - Areas of Search

Converter Station

Landing Stations

Energy Cables

Energy Cables (non-editable)

Cable Corridors


Telecom Cables

Unused Cables

On this page you can find and access information about data layers related with shipping, including Ports, IMO routes, and "no shipping zones".


National Shipping Lanes

IMO Routes

Precaucionary Areas

No Shipping Zones


Cargo Intensity

Ferry Intensity

Passenger Intensity

Tanker Intensity

Maintenance Intensity

(Total) Shipping Intensity

Shipping Risk

Sand & Gravel Extraction

Dumping Areas


Shipping Intensity Cargo (static)

Shipping Intensity Passenger (static)

Shipping Intensity Tanker (static)

On this page you can find and access information about data layers related with fishing and aquaculture.


Bottom Trawl Catch

Drift and Fixed Nets Catch

Industrial and Pelagic Trawl Catch

Recreational Interest


On this page you can find and access information about the pressures that are calculated from the several human activities, including noise, disturbances on the bottom of the sea floor and protection agaisnt certain fishing fleets..

Artificial Substrate

Bottom Disturbance

Surface Disturbance


On this page you can find and access information about data layers related with ecology, including relevant species distribution, and marine protected areas.

Natura 2000

Marine Protected Areas

Benthic Invertebrates



Demersal Fish






Wind Farm Avoiding Seabirds

Wind Farm Indiferent Seabirds

Shannon Diversity Indicator

Large Fish Indicator

Protection Against Bottom Trawl - "No Bottom Trawl Fishing"

Protection Against Industrial Trawl - "No Industrial Trawl Fishing"

Protection Against Nets - "No Nets Fishing"

This page was last edited on 8 February 2022, at 08:58. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.