The passive demersal catch is a heatmap showing where the catch of the passive demersal fleets is more dense or less dense. The fleets considered as passive demersal are the ones using fixed or drift nets on or close to the sea floor.
The passive demersal catch does not contribute to the pressure calculations but does affect the species that are catched by this fleet.
Not applicable.
This layer is not available in the North Sea Edition.
This layer cover the Baltic Proper area only.
In the Baltic Sea, the passive demersal fleets catch mostly:
The passive demersal catch data layer comes from the EwE model developed on purpose for MSP Challenge usage based on the model by Tomczak, M.T., Niiranen, S., Hjerne, O., Blenckner, T. (2012) with the invaluable contribution of Jeroen Steenbeek, Maciej Tomczak , Giovanni Romagnoni, Rikka Puntilla, Ville Karvinen and Magali Gonçalves.
Gonçalves, M. et al. (2019). Food-Web Modeling in the Maritime Spatial Planning Challenge Simulation Platform: Results from the Baltic Sea Region. In Wardaszko, M., Meijer, S., Lukosch, H., Kanegae, H., Kriz, W.C., Grzybowska-Brzezińska, M. (eds). Simulation Gaming Through Times and Disciplines - 50th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2019, Warsaw, Poland, August 26-30, Revised Selected Papers.
Tomczak, M.T., Niiranen, S., Hjerne, O., Blenckner, T.: Ecosystem flow dynamics in the Baltic proper-using a multi-trophic dataset as a basis for food-web modelling. Ecol. Model. 230, 123–147 (2012)
Passive demersal catch.
Total catch by all passive demersal fleets.
This layer is not available in the Clyde Marine Region Edition.
This layer is not available in the Adriatic Sea Edition.