Departure and arrival points of ships
Ports put the following pressures on the ecosystem:
Rijkswaterstaat data drawn by hand to incorporate in a previous version of the MSP Challenge.
Not available.
Not available
Not available. Previous than 2016.
Reprojected the data layer to Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035).
HELCOM HOLAS II Dataset: Harbours (2017)
This dataset contains the commercial Ports of Baltic Sea. The dataset was created in 2016 to be used in HELCOM Assessments.
Reduced attributes table to minimum needed.
Data provided by project partner (Marine Scotland)
Not available. Data layer implemented on the MSP Challenge on 2017/12.
Data implemented as provided.
Provided by the project partner CNR-ISMAR based on data from EMODnet Human Activities data portal.
Main Ports
"The dataset on maritime transport includes goods, passengers and vessels traffic data in the EU main ports and was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the harmonization and aggregation on annual basis of the quarterly EUROSTAT Maritime transport data, provided by port in the EU Member States, Montenegro, Norway, Turkey and the UK." EMODnet Human Activities data portal, accessed on 2022-04-26.
Not available. Data provided on 2020-09.
The layer was implemented in the MSP Challenge as provided by the project partner (CNR-ISMAR), assuming that the ports are all used by all vessel types.