Separation zones refer to the IMO's "traffic separation scheme", which intends to establish routing measures in the sea’s most busy areas to increase shipping safety.
Traffic routing measures include different types of shipping routes and separation zones. This page is about the separation zones; these include "separation zones", "precautionary areas", and "areas to be avoided".
This puts no pressure on the ecosystem.
Return to shipping.
This layer is only present in the Digitwin North Sea Edition.
"Separatiezones" or Separation Zones in English.
Not available.
Not available. Layer retrieved on 2019/10.
Reprojected the geodata layer to Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035).
Not applicable.
This layer is not present in the Baltic Sea Edition.
This layer is not present in the Clyde Marine Region Edition.
This layer is not present in the Adriatic Sea Edition.