Eastern Mediterranean Sea
In this tab you can see the information that applies concretely to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea edition of the MSP Challenge.
- 0-20m
- 20-40m
- 40-60m
- 60-100m
- 100-200m
- 200-500m
- 500-1000m
- 1000-2000m
- >2000m
Data Source
Emodnet bathymetry data portal.
Original Title
Mean depth full coverage.
The EMODnet data products are based on the continuous average depth grid of one-sixteenth arc-minute. This grid is based on three source types: Individual bathymetric surveys, composite digital terrain data (cDTM) and Satellite-Derived Bathymetry. The latter two have been used whenever the actual survey data was unavailable for direct processing by the EMODnet partners. Whenever data were unavailable GEBCO data has been used to fill in the gaps.
Creation Date
Accessed in 2021/11
Downloaded the (raster) data covering the interest area from emodnet. Created a composite raster file and reprojected the data to Lambert's Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) projection. The data was then clipped to the area of interest and classified it using the depth ranges mentioned above in the "types" section.