The fishing income data layer represents the average economic value brought by the fishing activity in a certain area.
The fishing income layer is static and does not contribute for any of the pressures calculated in the MSP Chalenge.
Return to fishing.
This data layer is only available in the North Sea Digital Twin Edition and represents the average value (in Euro) of the years 2008-2017 of all demersal / bottom fishing activity by the Dutch fleet.
The data layer only covers the Dutch EEZ.
(all values in thousands of euros)
Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) personal communication.
Not applicable.
Average value (in Euro) of the years 2008-2017 of all demersal / bottom fishing activity by the Dutch fleet calculated by WMR.
Not available. Date implemented in MSP Challenge: 2019/10.
The layer was implemented as provided by WMR.
This layer is not available in the Baltic Sea Edition.
This layer is not available in the Clyde Marine Region Edition.
This layer is not available in the Adriatic Sea Edition.
This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.