National shipping lanes are shipping lanes designated by individual countries (that could still cross that country's EEZ borders).
Each country of the region should define its own national shipping lanes. In case the planned national shipping lanes cross another country's EEZ, one must seek the authorization of that country(ies) to approve it's plan.
National shipping lanes do not contribute to pressures on the ecosystem, but will influence the shipping intensity calculated by the shipping simulation. The total shipping intensity calculated contributes to surface disturbance and noise pressures.
Return to shipping.
For the North Sea Edition it is important to mention that the data under "National Shipping Lanes" does not reflect national shipping lanes but rather, general shipping lanes retrieved from naturalearthdata as specified below in the metadata.
Adapted from naturalearthdata.
Not available.
Not available. Implemented on 2018/03
Clipped the data layer to the North Sea area and reprojected it to Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035). Extracted features from the layer that covered the sea area and simplified extracted features.
In the Nort Sea Digital Twin Edition the shipping routes layer is retrieved from Rijkswaterstaat. The original name of the data is 'verkeersscheidingsstelsel' and was retrieved though WFS connection.
Baltic LINes partners from draft plans of partners.
Not applicable.
National shipping lanes as planned by the Baltic Sea countries participating in the project (not all countries did actually plan national shipping lanes).
2018 December
The layer was implemented in the MSP Challenge as provided by the project partners.
The National Shipping Lanes layer in the Western Baltic Sea Edition remains consistent with that featured in the Baltic Sea edition.
In the Clyde Marine Region, the "National Shipping Routes" are just called "Shipping Routes".
Data provided by project partner (Marine Scotland)
Not available. Data layer implemented on the MSP Challenge on 2017-12.
Data implemented as provided.
This layer is not available in the Adriatic Sea Edition.
This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.