Recreational Fishing
Layer Recreational Fishing.png
Layer Info
Category Activities
Sub-category Recreational


Fishing for leisure purposes.

MSP Challenge

This is a static layer and does not contribute to the pressures on the ecossystem.

Return to recreational

Photo credit: "Recreational Fishing". Aquatic Sciences Center (2017). License: CC BY-NC 2.0. Not changed. Retrieved from on 2022-09-14.

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the North Sea Edition.


  • Very Low (0 - 1 kg/km2)
  • Low (1 - 10 kg/km2)
  • Medium (10 - 100 kg/km2)
  • High (100 - 500 kg/km2)


Data Source

HELCOM HOLAS II Dataset: Recreational fishing (ICES WGRFS)(2018) , retrieved from HELCOM in 206-06.

Original Title

Recreational fishing


"Recreational fishing yearly catches of cod 2011-2016 based on the reports of ICES Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS). Recreational fishing is the capture or attempted capture of living aquatic resources mainly for leisure and/or personal consumption. This covers active fishing methods including line, spear, and hand–gathering and passive fishing methods including nets, traps, pots, and set–lines (considered recreational in some countries)."

Description retrieved from HELCOM's metadata page for this resource (2021-07-15), to note that there has been an update in 2018 but the data currently in the platform is from 2016.

Creation Date

Not available. Publication date: 2016-04-06.


Implemented without any changes to the original files.

Western Baltic Sea

The Recreational Fishing layer in the Western Baltic Sea Edition remains consistent with that featured in the Baltic Sea edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the Clyde Marine Region Edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the Adriatic Sea Edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

This page was last edited on 27 November 2024, at 13:33. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.