Minke whales - balaenoptera acutorostrata - dwergvinvis.png
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Category Birds and mammals
Editable No
DataOwner Ecosystem simulation
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Example species: Minke whale

Habitat: Pelagic
Main role: Predator
Trophic level: 4,36

Diet: Their diet is dominated by fish: mostly sandeel, but also herring, mackerel and gadoids such as whiting, haddock, and Norway pout.

Threats: Minke whales are sensitive to entanglement in fishing gear and boating accidents. Fishing can deplete their food resources.

Example species: Porpoise

Habitat: Pelagic
Main role: Predator
Trophic level: 4,8

Diet: Porpoises prey on whiting and sandeel.

Threats: Sensitive to entanglement in fishing nets and fishing depletion of food resources.

Example species: White-beaked dolphin

Habitat: Pelagic
Main role: Predator
Trophic level: 4,8

Diet: They prey on whiting and cephalopods.

Threats: Sensitive to entanglement in fishing nets and fishing depletion of food resources.

MSP Challenge 2050:

The cetaceans group includes the following species: Minke whale, Porpoise, White-beaked dolphin and Atlantic white-sided dolphin.

In different languages:

Minke whale

SN: balaenoptera acutorostrata EN: minke whales NL: dwergvinvis GE: Zwergwal DK: vågehval FR: baleine de Minke NO: vågehval SE: vikval

Minke whales are the most commonly and regularly occurring baleen whales in the North Sea, most abundant in the west. Minke whales are curious animals. Minke whales usually swim alone, but you sometimes spot them in groups of 2 to 3 whales.


SN: phocoena phocoena EN: porpoise NL: bruinvis GE: Gewöhnliche Schweinswal DK: marsvin) FR: marsouin commun NO: nise SE: vanlig tumlare

Porpoises are the most abundant and widely distributed in Northern and central North Sea. Porpoises live either alone or in groups of three to five animals; sometimes more.

White-beaked dolphin

SN: lagenorhynchus albirostris EN: white-beaked dolphin NL: witsnuitdolfijn GE: Weisschnauziger Delphin DK: hvidnæse FR: dauphin à rostre blanc NO: hvidsnudet delfin SE: vitnos

The white-beaked dolphin is a social animal, most commonly found in groups of less than ten. They are mostly distributed in the western part of the North Sea. Adults can reach 2.3 to 3.1 meter long and weigh 180 to 354 kg. They use sonar clicks to communicate.

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