Wind Speed
MSP Logo NorthSea.png
Layer Info
Category Management
Sub-Category Environmental Conditions
Editable No
DataOwner Copernicus MEMS
Unit mph
3,5 mph
5 mph
6,5 mph
8 mph
9,5 mph
11 mph
12,5 mph
14 mph


Wind speed, or wind flow velocity, is a fundamental atmospheric quantity.

Wind speed is caused by air moving from high pressure to low pressure, usually due to changes in temperature. Note that wind direction is usually almost parallel to isobars (and not perpendicular as one might expect), due to the rotation of the earth.

Wind speed affects weather forecasting, aircraft and maritime operations, construction projects, growth and metabolism rate of many plant species, and countless other implications.

Wind speed is now commonly measured with an anemometer but can also be classified using the older Beaufort scale which is based on people's observation of specifically defined wind effects.


MSP Challenge 2050:

Wind Speed is a data layer used for placing spatial elements. It can be used as a Infinite Resource by Wind Farms, to generate Green Energy.

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