Layer Anchorages.png
Layer Info
Category Activities
Sub-category Shipping


Anchorages are places where ships can safely lay anchor.

MSP Challenge

The Anchorages layer is a static data layer. Anchorages are polygons, i.e., geometric shapes that you can draw in, edit or remove when making a plan.

Anchorages create the following pressures on the ecosystem:

Photo credits: "Anchor on the quayside at Mylor". Tim Green (2009). Licence: CC BY 2.0. Retrieved from on 2022-05-09. License

Return to shipping.


Not Applicable, no types.


Data Source

Data prepared to incorporate in a previous version of the MSP Challenge, combined with shipping data from NorthSEE partner World Maritime University (only for Belgium and The Netherlands Exlusive Economic Zones).

Original Title

Not available.


Not available.

Creation Date

Previous version of the MSP Challenge: before 2016.

World Maritime University: not available. Implemented on 2018-05.


Both data sources were reprojected to the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) projection. Used the data provided by World Maritime University for Belgium and The Netherlands Exclusive Economic Zones and kept the data prepared for the previous edition of the MSP Challenge for the remainder of the region.

North Sea Digitwin Edition

The North Sea Digitwin Edition only features data for Belgium and The Netherlands Exclusive Economic Zones. The data source is Rijkswaterstaat , the data layer has the original title "ankergebieden" and was retrieved on 2019-10.

Not applicable.

This data layer is not present in the Baltic Sea Edition.


  • Small Craft Anchorage
  • Unrestricted Anchorage
  • Unclassified
  • Recreational
  • Commercial


Data Source

Data provided by project partner (Marine Scotland)

Original Title

Not available.


Not available.

Creation Date

Data layer implemented on the MSP Challenge on 2017-12.


Data implemented as provided.


There are no types.


Data Source

Provided by project partner CNR-ISMAR based on data from the Italian Ministry of transportation - coast guard, for Italy's Exlusive Economic Zone, and tools4msp-eu -GAIR for the other countries in the region.

Original Title

Not available.


Not available.

Creation Date



The layer was implemented in the MSP Challenge as provided by the project partner (CNR-ISMAR).

Not applicable.

This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

This page was last edited on 19 December 2023, at 09:10. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.