Usable power density (in W/m2) of wind speeds in the Baltic Sea based on numerical simulated data from coastDat. Usable power density implies the wind power available based on the wind speed distribution (source).
This layer is for information purposes only; it can help deciding which areas to give preference when planning for new wind parks.
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Baltic LINes project output provided directly by the project's partners (SwAM, RI.SE). For more info see the full report here)
Wind Resource Density.
Usable power density (in W/m2) of wind speeds in the Baltic Sea based on numerical simulated data from coastDat. Usable power density implies the wind power available based on the wind speed distribution.
The usable power input is calculated according to the standard methods used for wind atlases)
Not available. Data received on 2018-09-12.
Reclassified values into qualitative classes from "Very Low" to "Very High". Reprojected the geodata layer to Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035).