Fisheries closure
File:Layer Fisheries closure.png
Layer Info
Category Ecology
Sub-category Fishing


Fishing activities may be restricted from operating in certain areas to preserve the fishing stocks, protect sensible or declining species or even habitats. The fisheries closure layer shows where fishing is not allowed for one or more fleets.

MSP Challenge

This is a static but editable layer, the ecossytem simulation will take into account the areas where fisheries are not allowed. If the fisheries closure is not specific to a fishing fleet, all fishing fleets will be considered banned from the area.

Return to fishing.

The fisheries closure layer is only available in the North Sea Digitwin Edition and covers only the Dutch EEZ.


  • Approved
  • Not yet legislated


Data Source

nationaalgeoregister retrieved from InformatieHuisMarien on 2021/11.


An overview of all areas closed for fishing in The Netherslands. These areas were gathered by informatiehuis marien from source documents and published via PDOK. The proposals were discussed in the High level Scheveningen group on 27 Feb 2019 and are now continuing the process.

Creation Date

Not available. Implemented in MSP Challenge on 2021/11/18.


Implemented as provided.

North Sea Digitwin Edition

In the North Sea Digitwin Edition, this layer represents planned areas closed for fishing activities as provided by NZA. The data has been retrieved from Eur-Lex and was last updated in 2023-12.

In the Baltic Sea there are two fisheries closure data layers, one for all fleets and another one for cod. The layers are not visible in the menu but are taken into account in the ecossystem simulation.


Not applicable.


Data Source


Original Title

Fisheries closure and cod fisheries closure


Not available.

Creation Date

Not available. Implemented in MSP Challenge on 2017/10.


Implemented as retrieved.

Not applicable.

This data layer is not available in the Clyde Marine Region Edition.

Not applicable.

This data layer is not available in the Adriatic Sea Edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

This page was last edited on 19 December 2023, at 10:10. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.