Minke whales - balaenoptera acutorostrata - dwergvinvis.png
Layer Info
Category Birds and mammals
Editable No
DataOwner Ecosystem simulation
Extremely Low
Extra High


Example species: Minke whale

Habitat: Pelagic
Main role: Predator
Trophic level: 4,36

Diet: Their diet is dominated by fish: mostly sandeel, but also herring, mackerel and gadoids such as whiting, haddock, and Norway pout.

Threats: Minke whales are sensitive to entanglement in fishing gear and boating accidents. Fishing can deplete their food resources.

Example species: Porpoise

Habitat: Pelagic
Main role: Predator
Trophic level: 4,8

Diet: Porpoises prey on whiting and sandeel.

Threats: Sensitive to entanglement in fishing nets and fishing depletion of food resources.

Example species: White-beaked dolphin

Habitat: Pelagic
Main role: Predator
Trophic level: 4,8

Diet: They prey on whiting and cephalopods.

Threats: Sensitive to entanglement in fishing nets and fishing depletion of food resources.

MSP Challenge

The cetaceans group includes the following species: Minke whale, Porpoise, White-beaked dolphin and Atlantic white-sided dolphin.

Cetaceans are only caught a little bit by the drift and fixed nets fishing fleet.

This page was last edited on 1 April 2021, at 09:40. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.