File:Layer Pipelines.png
Layer Info
Category Activities
Sub-category Cables and pipelines


A submarine pipeline (also known as marine, subsea or offshore pipeline) is a pipeline that is laid on the seabed or below it inside a trench. In some cases, the pipeline is mostly on-land but in places it crosses water expanses, such as small seas, straights and rivers. Submarine pipelines are used primarily to carry oil or gas, but transportation of water is also important.

MSP Challenge

The Pipelines layer is a static data layer. Pipelines are point-by-point lines that you can draw in, edit or remove when making a plan.

Pipelines create the following pressures on the ecosystem:

Pipelines disallow the bottom trawl fishing fleet. During construction (and only then), the drift and fixed nets and industrial and pelagic trawl fishing fleets are also disallowed.

Return to cables and pipelines.


  • Used (in service)
  • Unused (includes decommissioned, and out of use)
  • Planned (includes proposed and under construction)


Data Source

Adapted from the EMODnet human activities data portal.

Original Title



"The dataset on offshore pipelines in the EU was created in 2017 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation and harmonization of datasets provided by several sources from all over the EU (plus Norway). The database contains lines representing the actual routes of offshore pipelines (where available) in the following countries: Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain (Andalucía), Sweden and United Kingdom. Each line has the following harmonized attributes (where available): code, name, status (abandoned, active, application submitted, not in use, planned, pre-commissioning, proposed, under construction), medium (air, chemical glycol, chemical methanol, chemical n/a, condensate, control, cooling water, gas, geothermal heating, hydraulic, mixed hydrocarbons, oil, other fluid, sewage, water), operator, size (inches), length (metres), year, from and to locality or facility, country code, country name and notes."

Retrieved from EMODnet human activities data portal, on 2022-06-16.

Creation Date

2017-12-20 (published on 2018-01-21)


Geometries were simplified to optimise the platform's performance. The status of the pipelines was grouped into three types:

  • Used: in service
  • Unused: includes decommissioned, and out of use
  • Planned: includes proposed and under construction

North Sea Digitwin Edition

In the North Sea Digitwin edition the data is from Rijkswaterstaat and was retrieved on 2019-10.


  • Operational
  • Planned
  • Application submitted


Data Source

HELCOM HOLAS II Dataset: Pipelines (2017)

Original Title



"The dataset was created in order to update the information regarding underwater pipelines in the Baltic Sea Region for the HELCOM Assessments. Data was collected by the HELCOM Secretariat during 2015.

The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Germany, Finland and Poland. The report data represents constructions on respective territorial waters, authorized facilities and activities from 2015.

The activity was declared as not relevant in Lithuanian area.

From Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Sweden no data was reported."

Description retrieved from HELCOM's metadata page for this resource (2021-07-20).

Creation Date



Some geometries might have been simplified to optimise the platform's performance.

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the Clyde Marine Region edition.


  • Operational
  • Not active
  • Not used
  • Piece
  • Schematic


Data Source

Provided by project partner CNR-ISMAR based on SID geoportal for Italy, and tools4msp-eu -GAIR for the rest of the Adriatic.

Original Title

Not available.


Not available.

Creation Date



The layer was implemented in the MSP Challenge as provided by the project partner (CNR-ISMAR).

Not applicable.

This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

This page was last edited on 3 April 2023, at 15:18. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.