Recreational fishing is defined as fishing of aquatic animals (mainly fish) that do not constitute the individual's primary resource to meet basic nutritional needs and are not generally sold or otherwise traded on export, domestic or black markets. Recreational fishing constitutes the dominant use of wild fish stocks in all freshwaters of industrialized countries, and it is prominent in many coastal ecosystems. The importance of recreational fisheries is increasing rapidly in many transitional economies. (FAO, 2012)
Recreational Fleet Catch refers to the amount of fish caught by this type of fisheries. Depending on the edition of the MSP CHallenge this layer can represent static data or be the result of simulations.
Not applicable. This layer is not available in the MSP Challenge North Sea Edition.
Not applicable. This layer is not available in the MSP Challenge Baltic Sea Edition.
The Recreational Fleet Catch layer in the Western Baltic Sea edition ...
Not applicable. This layer is not available in the MSP Challenge Clyde Marine Region Edition.
Not applicable. This layer is not available in the MSP Challenge Adriatic Sea Edition.
In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea the recreational catch is the result of the ecology simulation.
The recreational catch data layer is a month-by-month, computer generated data layer following calculations made by the ecosystem simulation (EwE). The simplified EwE Eastern Mediterranean model was adjusted for use in the MSP Challenge by Eyal Ofir.
For more information on how Ecopath-with-Ecosim (EwE) works, please visit our Wiki page or visit the official EwE website at
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