Sand and Gravel Availability
Layer Sand & Gravel Availability.png
Layer Info
Category Management
Sub-category Natural resources


Areas where sand and gravel are available.

MSP Challenge

The sand and gravel availability is a static layer that is useful to plan areas for sand and gravel extraction. This layer does not contribute for pressure on the ecosystem.

Return to Natural Resources.


Not applicable. This layer has no types.


Data Source

Rijkswaterstaat data drawn by hand to incorporate in a previous version of the MSP Challenge.

Original Title

Not available.


Not available

Creation Date

Not available (before 2016).


Reprojected the data layer to Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035).

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the Baltic Sea Edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the Clyde Marine Region Edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not available in the Adriatic Sea Edition.

Not applicable.

This layer is not present in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

This page was last edited on 3 April 2023, at 13:16. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.