- (ALL)Page Template
- (AS) Generic PU
- (DT)Anchorages
- (DT)Electricity Cables
- (DT)Fishing Income
- (DT)Guillemot
- (DT)Harbor Porpoise Spring
- (DT)Lesser Black Backed Gull
- (DT)MSP Challenge
- (DT)Military Areas
- (DT)Natura 2000
- (DT)No Shipping Zones
- (DT)Oil & Gas Platforms
- (DT)Pipelines
- (DT)Razorbill
- (DT)Sharks and Rays
- (DT)Shipping Routes
- (DT)Telecom Cables
- (DT)Wind Farm - Areas of Search
- (NS)Anchorages
- (NS)Aquaculture
- (NS)Artificial Substrate
- (NS)Bathymetry
- (NS)Benthic invertebrates
- (NS)Bottom Disturbace
- (NS)Bottom Disturbance
- (NS)Bottom Trawl Catch
- (NS)Cargo Intensity
- (NS)Cetacean
- (NS)Cities
- (NS)Cod
- (NS)Currents
- (NS)Demersal fish
- (NS)Dredging Deposit Areas
- (NS)Dredging Dumping Areas
- (NS)Drift and Fixed Nets Catch
- (NS)Electricity Sockets
- (NS)Electricity Transformers
- (NS)Energy Cables
- (NS)Eutrophication Status
- (NS)Ferry Intensity
- (NS)Flatfish
- (NS)Fossil Fuel Availability
- (NS)Herring
- (NS)Industrial and Pelagic Trawl Catch
- (NS)Large Fish Indicator
- (NS)Mackerel
- (NS)Maintenance Intensity
- (NS)Migrating Bird Biomass
- (NS)Military Areas
- (NS)Natura 2000
- (NS)Noise
- (NS)Oil & Gas Installations
- (NS)Oil & Gas Licensed Areas
- (NS)Oil Stations
- (NS)Passenger Intensity
- (NS)Pipeline Connectors
- (NS)Pipelines
- (NS)Protected Areas
- (NS)Protection Against Bottom Trawl
- (NS)Protection Against Industrial Trawl
- (NS)Protection Against Nets
- (NS)Recreational Areas
- (NS)Recreational Interest
- (NS)Sand & Gravel Extraction
- (NS)Sandeel
- (NS)Seal
- (NS)Sediments
- (NS)Shannon Diversity Indicator
- (NS)Shipping Intensity
- (NS)Shipping Lane
- (NS)Shipping Routes
- (NS)Surface Disturbance
- (NS)Tanker Intensity
- (NS)Telecom Cables
- (NS)Territorial Water Lines
- (NS)Tidal Farms
- (NS)Unused Cables
- (NS)Wave Farms
- (NS)Wave Height
- (NS)Wind Farm
- (NS)Wind Farm Type x
- (NS)Wind Farms
- (NS)Wind Speed
- (NS)Windfarm avoiding seabirds
- (NS)Windfarm indifferent seabirds
- (NS)Wreckages
- (NS/Biomass)Mackerel
- (NS/Dredging Deposit Areas)Closed
- (NS/Dredging Deposit Areas)Open
- (NS/Dredging Dumping Areas)Closed
- (NS/Dredging Dumping Areas)Open
- (NS/EEZ)/Admin
- (NS/EEZ)/Blue
- (NS/EEZ)/Brown
- (NS/EEZ)/Green
- (NS/EEZ)/Orange
- (NS/EEZ)/Pink
- (NS/EEZ)/Purple
- (NS/EEZ)/Red
- (NS/EEZ)/Yellow
- (NS/EEZ)Blue
- (NS/EEZ)Brown
- (NS/EEZ)Green
- (NS/EEZ)Lime
- (NS/EEZ)Orange
- (NS/EEZ)Pink
- (NS/EEZ)Purple
- (NS/EEZ)Red
- (NS/EEZ)Yellow
- (NS/Eutrophication Status)Bad water quality
- (NS/Eutrophication Status)Good water quality
- (NS/Eutrophication Status)Goode water quality
- (NS/Eutrophication Status)Moderate water quality
- (NS/Eutrophication Status)Poor water quality
- (NS/Eutrophication Status)Very good water quality
- (NS/Military Areas)Ammunition Dump
- (NS/Military Areas)Fly zone
- (NS/Military Areas)Practice Area
- (NS/Military Areas)TBD (art12)
- (NS/Military Areas)Undefined
- (NS/Natura 2000)Birds Directive
- (NS/Natura 2000)Habitats Directive
- (NS/Natura 2000)No Protection
- (NS/Natura 2000)Protection Against Bottom Trawl
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Closed Down
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Decommissioned
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Derogation
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Operational
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Other
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Removed
- (NS/Oil & Gas Installations)Unknown
- (NS/Protected Areas)No Protection
- (NS/Protected Areas) Bottom Trawl
- (NS/Protected Areas) Drift and fixed nets
- (NS/Protected Areas) Industrial and Pelagic Trawl
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Beach recreation area
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Bird Watching
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Mudflat Hiking
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Other
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Recreational Fishing
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Recreational Fishing area
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Sailing
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Walking
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Water sport area
- (NS/Recreational Areas)Wind Surfing
- (NS/Recreational Interest)Beach recreation area
- (NS/Recreational Interest)Other
- (NS/Recreational Interest)Recreational Fishing area
- (NS/Recreational Interest)Water sport area
- (NS/Sediments)Coarse sand
- (NS/Sediments)Fine sand
- (NS/Sediments)Gravel
- (NS/Sediments)Mud
- (NS/Sediments)Pebbels
- (NS/Ship Types)Passenger
- (NS/Shipping Routes)Deep Water Route
- (NS/Shipping Routes)Ferry Route
- (NS/Shipping Routes)Shipping Route
- (NS/Wind Farms)6MW
- (NS/Wind Farms)9MW
- (NS/Wind Farms)9MWFloater
- (NS/Wind Farms)Floating
- -20m Line
- AIS Fishing Intensity
- AIS Total Shipping Intensity
- Abandoned Pits
- Active Demersal Catch
- Air Disturbance
- Algae Farms
- Anchorages
- Aqua
- Aquaculture
- Artificial Substrate
- Artisanal Catch
- Automated Vessel Intensity
- Baltic Sea
- Bathing Sites
- Bathing Waters
- Bathydemersal fish
- Bathymetry
- Benthic Producers
- Benthic invertebrates
- Benthopelagic fish
- Biogenic substrate
- Bird Watching
- Birds
- Black
- Blue
- Boating Clubs
- BotTest
- Bottom Disturbace
- Bottom Disturbance
- Bottom Trawl Catch
- Bottom Vibration
- Brown
- Bycatch
- Cables (non-editable)
- Cables Other
- Canoeing
- Cargo Intensity
- Categories and Layers
- Cephalopod
- Cetacean
- Cities
- Clyde Region
- Coarse substrate
- Coastal Municipalities
- Coastal Regions
- Coastal foundation
- Coastline Reference
- Cod
- Cod Fisheries Closure
- Converter Station
- Coralligenous Habitats
- Create a New Page
- Currents Speed
- Decapod
- Demersal Catch
- Demersal fish
- Desalination Plants
- Digitwin:Anchorages
- Digitwin:Electricity Cables
- Digitwin:Fishing Income
- Digitwin:Guillemot
- Digitwin:Harbor Porpoise Spring
- Digitwin:Lesser Black Backed Gull
- Digitwin:MSP Challenge
- Digitwin:Military Areas
- Digitwin:Natura 2000
- Digitwin:No Shipping Zones
- Digitwin:Oil & Gas Platforms
- Digitwin:Pipelines
- Digitwin:Razorbill
- Digitwin:Sharks and Rays
- Digitwin:Shipping Routes
- Digitwin:Telecom Cables
- Digitwin:Wind Farm - Areas of Search
- Discharge Points
- Disposal Sites
- Disputed area
- Dolphins
- Dredging Deposit Areas
- Dredging Sites
- Drift and Fixed Nets Catch
- Dumping areas
- EEZ/Blue
- EEZ/Green
- EEZ/Orange
- EEZ/Pink
- EEZ/Purple
- EEZ/Red
- EEZ/Yellow
- Energy
- Energy:Wind Farms/10MW
- Energy:Wind Farms/6MW
- Energy:Wind Farms/6mw
- Energy:Wind Farms/6mwfloating
- Energy Cables
- Energy Transformers (Land Grid)
- Erosion Trends
- European Hake
- Eutrophication Status
- Exclusive economic zone
- ExtensionTestPage
- Fairways
- Ferry Intensity
- Fine mud
- Fine mud or Sandy mud or Muddy sand
- Finfish Farms
- Fish Farms
- Fisheries Closure
- Fisheries closure
- Fishing Income
- Fishing Intensity
- Fishing restrictions
- Flatfish
- Fossil Fuel Availability
- Freshwater Aquaculture
- General Boating Areas
- Green
- Grey
- Harbours Area
- Helicopter Platforms
- Herring
- Horse Mackerel
- ICES Rectangles
- IMO Routes
- Ice Coverage
- Industrial and Pelagic Trawl Catch
- Interconnectors (electricity)
- Invasive fish
- Jellyfish
- Landing Stations
- Large Fish Indicator
- Licensed Areas Sand
- Lighthouses
- Limaria hians beds
- Lime
- Local Authority Areas
- MSPChallenge2050
- Mackerel
- Main Page
- Maintenance Intensity
- Marinas
- Marine Protected Areas
- Marine reporting units
- Maritime Compartments
- Mesopelagic fish
- Military Areas
- Mineable Sand Depth
- Mixed sediment
- Mobile benthos
- Modiolus modiolus beds
- Muddy sand
- Mullet
- Mussel beds
- Mytilus edulis beds
- National Planning Areas
- National Shipping Lanes
- Natura 2000
- Navy
- Nephrops Trawl Catch
- No Artisanal Fishing
- No Bottom Trawl Fishing
- No Industrial Trawl Fishing
- No Nets Fishing
- No Recreational Fishing
- No shipping zones
- Noise
- North Sea
- North Sea:Topography
- Nuclear Powerplants
- Oil & Gas Installations
- Oil & Gas Licensed Areas
- Oil & Gas Safety Zones
- Oil and Gas Terminals
- Orange
- Ostrea edulis beds
- Page Editing Restrictions
- Page Template
- Passenger